Internship Program (RJ) – Rio de Janeiro – RJ


Ever thought about working at a startup?

You probably thought about trampolines in the middle of the room or videogames all over your workstation or even dogs making people go “ooown” all around the office.
Well. Sure, we all love dogs, but a startup can offer you a completely different experience.

Think about helping build the next ‘Big Thing’. Be a part of the growth of a company from the very beginning. Help every plan come to life and overcome every barrier.

I bet you would love to go back in time and help Mark Zuckerberg on the early stages of Facebook, right?

If you think you are up for it, then I am happy to tell you that Lemoney is Hiring!

A Cash Back startup with a twist. Now, not only you earn cash back when you shop, but you can build an entire community and earn cash back when they shop. Nice, right?


  • Enrolled in an undergraduate program (Business, Marketing, Journalism or related fields);
  • Fluent English;
  • Commitment, Iniciative and adaptability;

Salário: R$ 800,00

Benefícios: A great opportunity for students to start their careers with an international experience, Job Rotation


  • Contrato: Estagiário

Link da vaga: (copie e cole o link em seu navegador)

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